DALLAS, TX — June 22nd, 2023. DJARABI KITABS PUBLISHING has officially released Samira Makes her Way by Muslim Author Martina Marie Hussein.

About the book: Samira finds herself in a sticky situation after doing something she shouldn’t have.
Although Samira wants to do the right thing, she isn’t sure how she can fix her mistake.

She is also faced with a big project; she will have to give a presentation to the students of the Islamic Weekend School and their parents. She has no idea what to cover in her presentation, but she knows it is important to her parents that she does her best. She feels frustrated and overwhelmed. With the support of her family and the guidance of Allahﷻ ’s teachings, Samira finds a solution to both of her problems.

Samira Makes Her Way is the first in a series of books that follow a young Muslim girl living in the US who is struggling to understand her identity as a Muslim American. The series addresses everyday’s struggles Samira encounters and how she navigates through them while embracing Allahﷻ ’s teachings.

The author shared her reasons for penning this story.

“…My daughter Samira, whose love for reading sent me on a quest to find interesting and engaging stories for young Muslim readers. It was this search that inspired me to write Samira Makes Her Way.”— Author Martina Marie Hussein

Join us on social media for the official book launch.

About the author:

Martina Marie Hussein is a proud American born revert to Islam. She was born and raised in rural Oklahoma. She attended several Universities and holds a Doctorate degree in Educational Leadership in Special Education from Gwynedd Mercy University in Pennsylvania where she now resides with her family. Martina takes great pride in working with both Muslim and non-Muslim students with disabilities in an inner-city school system. She believes that by engaging the public and developing strong interfaith relationships we can empower our young Muslim students and communities. It is her life’s work to help mold young minds and develop our children as active, participating members of society: our future leaders.

Samira Makes Her Way is available on Djarabi Kitabs Publishing's website and Amazon on paperback format. Add it to your Goodreads shelf.