PRESS RELEASE: Islamically Inspired: Self-Development


Assalamu aleikum!


DALLAS, TX — October 20th, 2022. DJARABI KITABS PUBLISHING has officially released the self-help book titled Islamically Inspired: Self-Development written by Ayishah Joanna Swiecinska.

Summary: Islamically Inspired: Self-Development is designed as a manual for anyone interested in the Islamic heritage of self-development but also anyone who is determined to use scientifically proven interventions in psycho-spiritual method of working with the Muslim psyche.

From the first chapter, a reader is introduced to the aetiology and ethos of healing in Islam (and beyond), as a means of opening and preparation for further chapters. In fact, each page is presenting itself as an organic progression and encourages further self-development in the spirit of submission to the will of God. Both worlds, the material and the metaphysical meet in this book and explore coherent and collaborative coexistence ways in the process of rebuilding wellness. Subjects of Gayb, Jinn, Angels, Soul and Qadr, Sabr, Rahmah, among the rest of diverse important healing markers, are thoroughly explored, so a reader can feel clarity and find a meaning in the practical use of Islamic spirituality. The unique approach of the author to the concept of selfhood opens a new door to understanding multiple intelligences as well as to the process of self-development with the process of Taffakur, Tawbah and Tazkiyah in mind.

The work in this book had been inspired by the clinical experience of Muslim therapists but also informed by the common understanding and expectations of Islamic therapeutics among ordinary Muslim clients. The premise of this book was to not only satisfy the hunger for psycho spiritual guidance in the therapy world, but mostly for God Almighty himself. Therefore, the core of this book had to be centered around the sound knowledge and guidance of the Quran and Sunnah. The reader might find himself comfortable and assured to the reliability of the material but also inspired to change his own perspectives on wellness, growth, spirituality and religiosity as it was always intended in Islam.

The Islamically Inspired Self-Development Process is not another scientifically grounded position about Islamic Psychology, but rather an organic and practical guide which uncovers the sacred laws of psycho, spiritual and somatic medicinal wisdom inscribed in revelations, medical history and current discoveries in science of healing.


“As a Muslim practicing Clinical Psychologist, this book provided step-by-step guidelines on how I can use the teachings of Islam in my therapeutic practice. Along with that, it further intrigued me to study the concepts of Islamic Psychology.”— Author Aisha Idris

The author also shared her motivations for writing a self-help book on Islamic Healing. Check them out below.

“I believe that Islamic Psychology has a potential to transform people's lives in Dunya and the Akhira. We are all on a path of healing — sometimes it takes a good therapist to recreate your Wellness - Afiyah plan. After years of becoming disappointed with how mainstream therapeutics disserved spiritual and religious needs of the Muslim client, I decided to find out why. I was well versed in academic writings about Islamic Psychology and Psychotherapy. However, I still didn’t find practical answers to my questions of: how to effectively work with nowadays demands in our community. I couldn’t wait any longer, so I dedicated myself into independent research and approached imams, raqis, hakims, Muslim and Islamic psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists. I dreamed about a book which will be written from the perspective of a common Muslim client point of view. I wanted to capture a real-life experience of working therapeutically with the Islamic needs of a Muslim client and I used Muslim and Islamic practitioners experience as well as gave a voice to the Muslim client. Not only am I satisfied that this project turned out to be successful, I am also amazed with the data I gathered through the process. I had several light bulb moments as well as metaphysical experiences of being guided. This book had already transformed the way I work and brought relief to my Muslim clientele and my students of Islamic Inspired Therapeutics personal development course. I have no doubts that you will also engage in close relationship with this book and enable it to shift many paradigms for the sake of God and benefit of your self-knowing, inshallah.”— Ayishah Joanna Swiecinska.


AJ Swiecinska is currently teaching Islamic coaching and counselling qualifications. She runs an online self-developmental course called Islamically Inspired Therapeutics. Ayishah treats clients for both Psychotherapy and Naturopathy on a one-to-one basis but also organises female therapeutic retreats. She is a graduate of Msc in Psychology, Dip Counselling and Psychology, Lic Homeopath and Dip Islamic Studies. In her personal life, Ayishah has been a revert to Islam for almost 20 years and strongly values her diversity, religious, and spiritual identity as well as holistic approach in family and professional life. Visit her at .

Islamically Inspired is available in paperback on Amazon, DKP’s Bookstore, and Fofky's Online Book Café. You can also find the book on Goodreads.


Djarabi Kitabs Publishing

PO BOX 703733

Dallas, TX 75370

